
Rita Góbi Company| „Vibration” and „Island”

  • „Island” fot. bobal photography

Vibration, (40 min. ) / choreography : Rita Góbi, Ryuji Yamaguchi / performance: Attila Horváth, Kiss Rebeka Petra / music.: Dávid Szegő / light: Pavla Beranová / kostiumy: Katerina Csomor / in ccperation with: Ministry of Human Resources, National Cultural Fund, Workshop Foundation, Sín Art and Cultural Centre, MOHA - Orkesztika Foundation, 

Island (35 min. )/ choreography: Rita Góbi / performance: Rita Góbi, Attila Horváth  vizalizations: xorxor / light: Pavla Beranová / musis: Ábris Gryllus / costumes: Dóra Pattantyus /  dramaturgy: Anna Zsigó / co-production: Trafó House of Contemporar. 

During the upcoming weekend with Gdansk Dance Festival, we will present two performances by the Hungarian Rita Góbi Company: “Vibration” and “Island”. Both are executed in a unique style, characterized by the choreography developed with geometrical precision, minimal means, as well as light effects and visualizations that create an extraordinary, futuristic atmosphere. 

Boris Vincek wrote about "Vibration": "It's a physical poetry of the live body that explores attraction and repulsion, and irregular rhythm. Burning in the colors of red and orange, and trapped within a circular magnetic field, two figures vibrate in tension until the heart tears apart. However informative and precise this description may be, it falls short of conveying even a fraction of the emotion evoked by the performance. The dancing duo left the audience in awe with their remarkable skill and unwavering focus throughout their nearly flawless performance. The visual tapestry they wove on stage resembled a sculpture in motion, fluid in their movements and electric in their still moments. Equally compelling were their duet performances, where their motions harmonized, and the two stunning solo choreographies towards the end of the show."

„Island" Somewhere on the border between dance and visual arts, two islands where the sun inevitably sheds its life-giving warmth. These islands are inhabited by lonely beings, locked in their own universe: moving sculptures guarding the ocean shores, drifting towards each other in a restless search and magnetic attraction. The desire to show themselves and to connect is underlaid with a ripple of hiding and fear. The wandering around each other of two beings trapped in an island, the pain of being at the mercy of the laws of physics, the pain of the collision before the merger, is revealed through a stripped down system of movement with geometric precision. Dancing under the sun, where the two halves are sometimes more than a whole.

Performance organized in cooperation with Liszt Institute in Warsaw. 


45 zł - bez zniżek

25 zł - karta do kultury*, bilet ulgowy*, karta tancerza*

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Kasa czynna w g.15.00 - 21.00, w soboty i niedziele od g.16.00 lub 30 minut przed pierwszym seansem. Kontakt: tel. 58 344 05 73 w.117 (w godz. pracy kasy), kasa@klubzak.com.pl

Organizator: Klub Żak, 80-266 Gdańsk, ul. Grunwaldzka 195/197, biuro@klubzak.com.pl